HOWTO: Secure Data Access
with Condor, Parrot, Chirp, and Globus

Using Parrot and Globus credentials, it is easy to access remote data securely. However, what happens when you wish to access remote data from within a batch job? Your job will need access to your credentials in order to authenticate to the file servers. This document explains how to make this work.

Suppose that you wish to run a simulation called mysim.exe through Condor using Parrot to access data on Chirp servers using a CCL Globus certificate to secure the connection. (Note: Please do not try this example unless you are already familiar with the above systems!)

If you have not done so already, obtain a CCL Globus certificate. Then, from your workstation, initialize your grid proxy:

% grid-proxy-init
Next, use the chirp tool to set the access control on the necessary directories on the Chirp servers:
% chirp
connected to as globus:/O=Cooperative_Computing_Lab/CN=John_Q_Public> cd mydata> setacl . globus:/O=Cooperative_Computing_Lab/CN=John_Q_Public rwla> getacl
Create a directory on a local disk in order to construct your job:
% mkdir -p /tmp/jobs/job1
% cd /tmp/jobs/job1
Now, make symbolic links of several things in this directory:
% ln -s `which parrot_run` parrot_run
% ln -s `which mysim.exe` mysim.exe
% ln -s ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/share/certficates/0224f2bf.0 .
% ln -s ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/share/certficates/0224f2bf.signing_policy .
% ln -s /tmp/x509up_XXX userproxy.pem    #  (replace XXX with your Unix UID)
Then, create a Condor submit file (job.submit) that runs parrot_run with your simulation and points to the CA certificates and your grid proxy certificate:
universe = vanilla
executable = parrot_run
# note the -H option is needed for Parrot
arguments = -H ./mysim.exe /chirp/
output = output.txt
error = error.txt
log = log.txt
environment = X509_CERT_DIR=.;X509_USER_PROXY=userproxy.pem
transfer_input_files = 0224f2bf.0,0224f2bf.signing_policy,userproxy.pem,mysim.exe
transfer_files = on_exit
Finally, submit the job:
condor_submit job.submit