Prune User's Manual

Last edited: September 2017

Prune is Copyright (C) 2014- The University of Notre Dame.
All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
See the file COPYING for details.


Prune is a system for executing and precisely preserving scientific workflows. Every task to be executed in a workflow is wrapped in a functional interface and coupled with a strictly defined environment. The task is then executed by Prune rather than the user to ensure reproducibility. As a scientific workflow evolves in a Prune repository, a growing but immutable tree of derived data is created. The provenance of every item in the system can be precisely described, facilitating sharing and modification between collaborating researchers, along with efficient management of limited storage space. Collaborators can verifiy research results and easily extend them at a granularity that makes sense to users, since the granularity of each task was chosen by a scientist rather than captured at the level of system calls.

Installing Prune

Prune is part of the Cooperating Computing Tools. The CCTools package can be downloaded from this web page. Follow the installation instructions to setup CCTools required for running Prune.

You will also need to set PYTHONPATH so that Prune modules from cctools can be imported in a Python script:

export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/cctools/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Prune Example Workflow: Merge Sort

Change your working directory to the Merge Sort example folder with a command like this: cd ~/cctools.src/prune/examples/merge_sort/

You will find two text files there (nouns.txt and verbs.txt) along with a Python script containing the Prune workflow called which looks like this:

###### Connect to a Prune repository ###### ###### (Default location: ~/.prune) ###### from prune import client from os.path import expanduser HOME = expanduser("~") prune = client.Connect(base_dir = HOME+'/.prune') #Prune data is stored in base_dir ###### Import sources stage ###### E1 = prune.nil D1 = prune.file_add( 'nouns.txt' ) D2 = prune.file_add( 'verbs.txt' ) ###### Sort stage ###### D3, = prune.task_add( returns=['output.txt'], env=E1, cmd='sort input.txt > output.txt', args=[D1], params=['input.txt'] ) D4, = prune.task_add( returns=['output.txt'], env=E1, cmd='sort input.txt > output.txt', args=[D2], params=['input.txt'] ) ###### Merge stage ###### D5, = prune.task_add( returns=['merged_output.txt'], env=E1, cmd='sort -m input*.txt > merged_output.txt', args=[D3,D4], params=['input1.txt','input2.txt'] ) ###### Execute the workflow ###### prune.execute( worker_type='local', cores=8 ) ###### Export final data ###### prune.export( D5, 'merged_words.txt' ) ###### Export publishable workflow ###### prune.export( D5, 'merge_sort.prune', lineage=2 )

With CCTools libraries in your PYTHONPATH, you can execute the workflow with this command:


The merged results can be found in a file called merged_words.txt and the file merge_sort.prune contains a sharable package that describes the full workflow.

Prune Example Workflow: High Energy Physics (HEP)

The Merge Sort example above did not specify an environment. A different workflow (involving High Energy Physics) uses Umbrella to specify and create the appropriate environment for individual workflow tasks. It can be found in the following working directory.

cd ~/cctools.src/prune/examples/hep/

The script command to specify an Umbrella environment looks like this:

E1 = prune.envi_add( engine='umbrella', spec='cms.umbrella', sandbox_mode='parrot', log='umbrella.log', cms_siteconf='SITECONF.tar.gz', cvmfs_http_proxy='', http_proxy='' )

Execute the workflow with this command:


Prune Example Workflow: U.S. Census

The U.S. Census workflow demonstrates the scalability of Prune by using Work Queue to execute the workflow in a distributed manner, rather than only executing with the local machine. The included census data is a small simulation of a real census, but could be applied to the real U.S. Censuses if available.

cd ~/cctools.src/prune/examples/census/

This example workflow differs mainly in the way the execute command is used in the script:

prune.execute( worker_type='work_queue', name='prune_census_example' )

Now, running the workflow script initiates a Work Queue master that will wait for workers to attach to it in order to execute the tasks.


The following command line instruction is one way to assign 10 workers to the Work Queue master:

condor_submit_workers -N prune_census_example 10

See the Work Queue Manual for more information on ways to assign workers to execute tasks in the workflow.

(The script, in the hep example folder, runs the HEP workflow using Work Queue after submitting workers to the Work Queue master with name 'prune_hep_example' instead of 'prune_census_example'.)

Prune Example Workflow: Monte Carlo Production

This Monte Carlo Production workflow is a simulation of particle collisions for High Energy Physics research.

wget tar -xvf mcprod.tar.gz cd mcprod ./

Prune Example Workflow: BWA

BWA is a light-weight alignment tool for performing queries on genomes. It supports paired-end mapping, gapped alignment, various file formats, and employs the Burrows Wheeler Transform algorithm to align the genome queries. This workflow produces SAM (Sequence Alignment Map) files for use in other workflows.

wget tar -xvf bwa.tar.gz cd bwa ./

For More Information

For the latest information about CCTools, please visit our web site and subscribe to our mailing list.