Installing Condor at Notre Dame
Installing Condor onto your machine at Notre Dame is easy.
We have already made the software and configuration files
available in AFS, so a few simple commands will cause your
machines to join the existing Condor pool. There are a few
prerequisites that you must double-check first:
- Your machine must have AFS installed.
- Your machine must have a public network address and be
able to communicate with other machines within the campus network.
- If you have a firewall, it must permit both UDP and TCP traffic on ports 9000-10000.
- You must have root access to your machine.
If you do not, ask your system administrator to install
Condor with these directions.
- Make sure that you fix this common hostname problem.
If you meet these requirements, then install Condor as follows:
- Login as root.
- Ensure that the condor user appears in /etc/passwd.
If you must add it, use this entry:
condor:x:108172:40:Condor Batch System:/afs/crc.nd.edu/user/c/condor:/bin/csh
- Add ~condor/software/bin and ~condor/software/sbin to your path.
- Run condor_init just once to create a few directories on your machine
in /var/condor.
- Run ~condor/software/config/condor.boot start to start Condor.
- Set up your machine to start Condor when it boots:
- If you have /etc/rc.local, add ~condor/software/config/condor.boot start to the very end.
- If you have System V boot scripts, copy ~condor/software/config/condor.boot into the appropriate directories.
On a Macintosh (PPC or Intel), do the following:
- Login as root.
- Using the "Users" tool in the control panel, add a Condor user.
- Using "Applications/Utilities/NetInfo", edit the Condor user so that uid=108172 and home=/afs/crc.nd.edu/user/c/condor
- Copy ~condor/software/config/MacStartup/Condor into /Library/StartupItems.
- Reboot.
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