chirp_reli.h File Reference

The primary user API for accessing Chirp servers. More...

#include "chirp_types.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>

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struct chirp_file * chirp_reli_open (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T flags, INT64_T mode, time_t stoptime)
 Creates or opens a file in preparation for I/O. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_close (struct chirp_file *file, time_t stoptime)
 Closes an open file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_pread (struct chirp_file *file, void *buffer, INT64_T length, INT64_T offset, time_t stoptime)
 Read data from a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_pwrite (struct chirp_file *file, const void *buffer, INT64_T length, INT64_T offset, time_t stoptime)
 Write data to a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_pread_unbuffered (struct chirp_file *file, void *buffer, INT64_T length, INT64_T offset, time_t stoptime)
 Read data from a file without buffering. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_pwrite_unbuffered (struct chirp_file *file, const void *buffer, INT64_T length, INT64_T offset, time_t stoptime)
 Write data to a file without buffering. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_sread (struct chirp_file *file, void *buffer, INT64_T length, INT64_T stride_length, INT64_T stride_skip, INT64_T offset, time_t stoptime)
 Strided read from a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_swrite (struct chirp_file *file, const void *buffer, INT64_T length, INT64_T stride_length, INT64_T stride_skip, INT64_T offset, time_t stoptime)
 Strided write to a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_fstat (struct chirp_file *file, struct chirp_stat *info, time_t stoptime)
 Get file status. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_fstatfs (struct chirp_file *file, struct chirp_statfs *info, time_t stoptime)
 Get file system status. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_fchown (struct chirp_file *file, INT64_T uid, INT64_T gid, time_t stoptime)
 Change the ownership of a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_fchmod (struct chirp_file *file, INT64_T mode, time_t stoptime)
 Change the mode bits of a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_ftruncate (struct chirp_file *file, INT64_T length, time_t stoptime)
 Truncate an open file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_flush (struct chirp_file *file, time_t stoptime)
 Flush any pending changes to a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_getfile (const char *host, const char *path, FILE *stream, time_t stoptime)
 Get an entire file efficiently. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_getfile_buffer (const char *host, const char *path, char **buffer, time_t stoptime)
 Get an entire file efficiently to memory. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_putfile (const char *host, const char *path, FILE *stream, INT64_T mode, INT64_T length, time_t stoptime)
 Put an entire file efficiently. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_putfile_buffer (const char *host, const char *path, const void *buffer, INT64_T mode, size_t length, time_t stoptime)
 Put an entire file efficiently from memory. More...
CHIRP_SEARCH * chirp_reli_opensearch (const char *host, const char *paths, const char *pattern, int flags, time_t stoptime)
Open a file search stream

Performs a search operation on the Chirp server and stores its results to be read via readsearch More...

INT64_T chirp_reli_getlongdir (const char *host, const char *path, chirp_longdir_t callback, void *arg, time_t stoptime)
 Get a detailed directory listing. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_getdir (const char *host, const char *path, chirp_dir_t callback, void *arg, time_t stoptime)
 Get a simple directory listing. More...
struct chirp_dir * chirp_reli_opendir (const char *host, const char *path, time_t stoptime)
 Open a directory for listing. More...
struct chirp_direntchirp_reli_readdir (struct chirp_dir *dir)
 Read one item from a directory. More...
void chirp_reli_closedir (struct chirp_dir *dir)
 Close a directory. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_getacl (const char *host, const char *path, chirp_dir_t callback, void *arg, time_t stoptime)
 Get an access control list. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_setacl (const char *host, const char *path, const char *subject, const char *rights, time_t stoptime)
 Modify an access control list. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_resetacl (const char *host, const char *path, const char *rights, time_t stoptime)
 Reset an access control list. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_locate (const char *host, const char *path, chirp_loc_t callback, void *arg, time_t stoptime)
 Identify the true location of a path. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_whoami (const char *host, char *subject, INT64_T length, time_t stoptime)
 Return the caller's identity. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_whoareyou (const char *host, const char *rhost, char *subject, INT64_T length, time_t stoptime)
 Return the server's identity against another server. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_unlink (const char *host, const char *path, time_t stoptime)
 Delete a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_rename (const char *host, const char *path, const char *newpath, time_t stoptime)
 Rename a file or directory. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_link (const char *host, const char *path, const char *newpath, time_t stoptime)
 Create a hard link. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_symlink (const char *host, const char *path, const char *newpath, time_t stoptime)
 Create a symbolic link. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_readlink (const char *host, const char *path, char *buf, INT64_T length, time_t stoptime)
 Examine a symbolic link. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_mkdir (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T mode, time_t stoptime)
 Create a new directory. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_mkdir_recursive (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T mode, time_t stoptime)
 Create a new directory recursively. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_rmdir (const char *host, const char *path, time_t stoptime)
 Delete a directory if it is empty. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_rmall (const char *host, const char *path, time_t stoptime)
 Delete a directory recursively. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_stat (const char *host, const char *path, struct chirp_stat *info, time_t stoptime)
 Get file status. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_lstat (const char *host, const char *path, struct chirp_stat *info, time_t stoptime)
 Get file or link status. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_statfs (const char *host, const char *path, struct chirp_statfs *info, time_t stoptime)
 Get filesystem status. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_access (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T flags, time_t stoptime)
 Check access permissions. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_chmod (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T mode, time_t stoptime)
 Change mode bits. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_chown (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T uid, INT64_T gid, time_t stoptime)
 Change the ownership of a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_lchown (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T uid, INT64_T gid, time_t stoptime)
 Change the ownership of a file or link. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_truncate (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T length, time_t stoptime)
 Truncate a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_utime (const char *host, const char *path, time_t actime, time_t modtime, time_t stoptime)
 Change the modification times of a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_hash (const char *host, const char *path, const char *algorithm, unsigned char digest[CHIRP_DIGEST_MAX], time_t stoptime)
 Checksum a remote file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_md5 (const char *host, const char *path, unsigned char digest[CHIRP_DIGEST_MAX], time_t stoptime)
 Checksum a remote file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_setrep (const char *host, const char *path, int nreps, time_t stoptime)
 Set replication factor. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_remote_debug (const char *host, const char *flag, time_t stoptime)
 Set the debug options on the remote server. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_localpath (const char *host, const char *path, char *localpath, int length, time_t stoptime)
 Return the local path of a file. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_audit (const char *host, const char *path, struct chirp_audit **list, time_t stoptime)
 Measure remote space consumption. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_thirdput (const char *host, const char *path, const char *thirdhost, const char *thirdpath, time_t stoptime)
 Third party transfer. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_mkalloc (const char *host, const char *path, INT64_T size, INT64_T mode, time_t stoptime)
 Create a space allocation. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_lsalloc (const char *host, const char *path, char *allocpath, INT64_T *total, INT64_T *inuse, time_t stoptime)
 List a space allocation. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_bulkio (struct chirp_bulkio *list, int count, time_t stoptime)
 Perform multiple I/O operations in bulk. More...
INT64_T chirp_reli_blocksize_get ()
 Return the current buffer block size. More...
void chirp_reli_blocksize_set (INT64_T bs)
 Set the buffer block size. More...
void chirp_reli_cleanup_before_fork ()
 Prepare to fork in a parallel program. More...
void chirp_reli_disconnect (const char *host)
 Closes the link to the host, if active. More...

Detailed Description

The primary user API for accessing Chirp servers.

chirp_reli.h is designed to look similar to the Unix I/O interface. It is called "reli" because it is "reliable". Each function call here has the capabaility to detect and retry a large number of network and server errors with an exponential backoff, until a user-defined time limit is reached. The caller need not worry about connecting to or disconnecting from servers.

All functions in this file have several common calling conventions.

hostA hostname may be a domain name or an IP address, followed by an optional colon and port number. If not given, the port number is assumed to by the default Chirp port of 9094.
pathA pathname identifies a file from the root of the given file server, and must start with a slash. The Chirp protocol allows pathnames to contain any printable ASCII character except a newline.
stoptimeAll functions accept a final argument time_t stoptime which indicates the absolute time at which to abort. For example, to try an operation for 60 seconds, pass time(0)+60 as stoptime. Any transient network failures will be silently retried until this timeout is reached.
On success, all functions return an integer greater than or equal to zero, and errno may have any arbitrary value. On failure, all return an integer less than zero, and set errno to the reason for the failure. (chirp_reli_open is the only exception to this rule.) The caller may invoke strerror(errno) to generate a human-readable string representing the error.

Function Documentation

struct chirp_file* chirp_reli_open ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  flags,
INT64_T  mode,
time_t  stoptime 

Creates or opens a file in preparation for I/O.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
flagsAny of the following Unix open flags ORed together:
  • O_RDONLY - Open for reading only.
  • O_WRONLY - Open for writing only.
  • O_RDWR - Open for both read and write.
  • O_APPEND - Open for appending to the file.
  • O_CREAT - Create the file if it does not exist.
  • O_TRUNC - Truncate the file to zero bytes.
  • O_SYNC - Force synchronous writes to disk.
modeThe Unix mode bits to be given to the file. Chirp only honors the owner component of the mode bits. Typical choices are 0700 for an executable, and 0600 for a data file. (Note the leading zero to indicate octal data.)
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns a pointer to a chirp_file. On failure, returns zero and sets errno appropriately.
See Also
chirp_reli_pread, chirp_reli_pwrite, chirp_reli_sread, chirp_reli_swrite, chirp_reli_fstat, chirp_reli_fstatfs chirp_reli_fchmod, chirp_reli_fchown, chirp_reli_ftruncate, chirp_reli_flush, chirp_reli_close
INT64_T chirp_reli_close ( struct chirp_file *  file,
time_t  stoptime 

Closes an open file.

Note that a close may need to write buffered data to disk before completing, so chirp_reli_close can fail. If chirp_reli_close indicates failures, the struct chirp_file is deallocated and can no longer be used, but the caller must assume some previously written data was lost.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_pread ( struct chirp_file *  file,
void *  buffer,
INT64_T  length,
INT64_T  offset,
time_t  stoptime 

Read data from a file.

Small reads may be buffered into large reads for efficiency.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
bufferPointer to destination buffer.
lengthNumber of bytes to read.
offsetBeginning offset in file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns the number of bytes actually read, which may be less than that requested. On end of file, returns zero. On failure, <0 and sets errno.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_pread_unbuffered, chirp_reli_sread
INT64_T chirp_reli_pwrite ( struct chirp_file *  file,
const void *  buffer,
INT64_T  length,
INT64_T  offset,
time_t  stoptime 

Write data to a file.

Small writes may be buffered together into large writes for efficiency.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
bufferPointer to source buffer.
lengthNumber of bytes to write.
offsetBeginning offset in file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns the number of bytes actually written, which may be less than requested. On failure, <0 and sets errno.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_swrite
INT64_T chirp_reli_pread_unbuffered ( struct chirp_file *  file,
void *  buffer,
INT64_T  length,
INT64_T  offset,
time_t  stoptime 

Read data from a file without buffering.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
bufferPointer to destination buffer.
lengthNumber of bytes to read.
offsetBeginning offset in file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns the number of bytes actually read. If the end of file has been reached, returns zero. On failure, <0 and sets errno.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_pread, chirp_reli_sread
INT64_T chirp_reli_pwrite_unbuffered ( struct chirp_file *  file,
const void *  buffer,
INT64_T  length,
INT64_T  offset,
time_t  stoptime 

Write data to a file without buffering.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
bufferPointer to source buffer.
lengthNumber of bytes to write.
offsetBeginning offset in file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns the number of bytes actually written. On failure, <0 and sets errno.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_pwrite, chirp_reli_swrite
INT64_T chirp_reli_sread ( struct chirp_file *  file,
void *  buffer,
INT64_T  length,
INT64_T  stride_length,
INT64_T  stride_skip,
INT64_T  offset,
time_t  stoptime 

Strided read from a file.

Reads stride_length bytes every stride_skip bytes, starting from offset up to a maximum of length bytes read.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
bufferPointer to destiation buffer.
lengthMaximum number of bytes to read.
stride_lengthBytes to read in each stride.
stride_skipBytes to skip between each stride.
offsetBeginning offset in file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns the number of bytes actually read, which may be less than requested. On failure, <0 and sets errno.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_pread, chirp_reli_pwrite, chirp_reli_sread, chirp_reli_swrite
INT64_T chirp_reli_swrite ( struct chirp_file *  file,
const void *  buffer,
INT64_T  length,
INT64_T  stride_length,
INT64_T  stride_skip,
INT64_T  offset,
time_t  stoptime 

Strided write to a file.

Writes stride_length bytes every stride_skip bytes, starting from offset up to a maximum of length bytes written.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
bufferPointer to destiation buffer.
lengthMaximum number of bytes to write.
stride_lengthBytes to write in each stride.
stride_skipBytes to skip between each stride.
offsetBeginning offset in file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns the number of bytes actually written, which may be less than requested. On failure, <0 and sets errno.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_pread, chirp_reli_pwrite, chirp_reli_sread, chirp_reli_swrite
INT64_T chirp_reli_fstat ( struct chirp_file *  file,
struct chirp_stat info,
time_t  stoptime 

Get file status.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
infoA pointer to a chirp_stat structure to fill.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
>=0 on success, <0 on failure.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_stat
INT64_T chirp_reli_fstatfs ( struct chirp_file *  file,
struct chirp_statfs info,
time_t  stoptime 

Get file system status.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
infoA pointer to a chirp_statfs structure to fill.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
>=0 on success, <0 on failure.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_statfs
INT64_T chirp_reli_fchown ( struct chirp_file *  file,
INT64_T  uid,
INT64_T  gid,
time_t  stoptime 

Change the ownership of a file.

Note that the current Chirp file server does not make use of the Unix owner field, see chirp_reli_setacl instead.
fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
uidThe new user ID.
gidThe new group ID.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_chown, chirp_reli_setacl, chirp_reli_getacl
INT64_T chirp_reli_fchmod ( struct chirp_file *  file,
INT64_T  mode,
time_t  stoptime 

Change the mode bits of a file.

The mode bits may set group/other permissions. If the file is a not a directory, the mode bits may also set user execute. See chirp_reli_setacl for alternate strong authorization control.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
modeThe new mode bits, typically 0700 for an executable or 0600 for a data file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_chmod, chirp_reli_setacl, chirp_reli_getacl
INT64_T chirp_reli_ftruncate ( struct chirp_file *  file,
INT64_T  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Truncate an open file.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
lengthThe new length of the file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_open, chirp_reli_truncate
INT64_T chirp_reli_flush ( struct chirp_file *  file,
time_t  stoptime 

Flush any pending changes to a file.

To improve performance, Chirp buffers small writes to files. These writes might not be forced to disk until a later write or a call to chirp_reli_close. To force any buffered writes to disk, call this function.

fileA chirp_file handle returned by chirp_reli_open.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_getfile ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
FILE *  stream,
time_t  stoptime 

Get an entire file efficiently.

Reads an entire remote file, and write the contents to a standard FILE stream. To get an entire directory tree, see chirp_recursive_get instead.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
streamA standard FILE stream obtained from fopen(). Such a stream may be obtained from fopen(), or could be the standard globals stdin, stdout, or stderr.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
The size in bytes of the file, or less than zero on error.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_getfile_buffer ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
char **  buffer,
time_t  stoptime 

Get an entire file efficiently to memory.

Reads an entire remote file into newly allocated memory. To get an entire directory tree, see chirp_recursive_get instead.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
bufferA pointer to an uninitialized pointer. On success, this pointer will point to newly allocated memory containing the file. The caller must then release the member by calling free().
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
The size of the file in bytes, or less than zero on error.
INT64_T chirp_reli_putfile ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
FILE *  stream,
INT64_T  mode,
INT64_T  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Put an entire file efficiently.

Reads data out of a standard I/O stream and writes it to a remote file. To put an entire directory tree, see chirp_recursive_put instead.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
streamA standard FILE stream obtained from fopen(). Such a stream may be obtained from fopen(), or could be the standard globals stdin, stdout, or stderr.
modeThe Unix mode bits to give to the remote file, typically 0700 for an executable or 0600 for a data file.
lengthThe length in bytes of the file to write.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
The size of the file in bytes, or less than zero on error.
INT64_T chirp_reli_putfile_buffer ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const void *  buffer,
INT64_T  mode,
size_t  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Put an entire file efficiently from memory.

Reads data out of memory and writes it to a remote file. To put an entire directory tree, see chirp_recursive_put instead.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
bufferA pointer to the file data to write.
modeThe Unix mode bits to give to the remote file, typically 0700 for an executable or 0600 for a data file.
lengthThe length in bytes of the file to write.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
The size of the file in bytes, or less than zero on error.
CHIRP_SEARCH* chirp_reli_opensearch ( const char *  host,
const char *  paths,
const char *  pattern,
int  flags,
time_t  stoptime 

Open a file search stream

Performs a search operation on the Chirp server and stores its results to be read via readsearch

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathsThe pathnames of the directories to search.
patternThe pattern to search for
flagsBit flags controlling various aspects of the search
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_getlongdir ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
chirp_longdir_t  callback,
void *  arg,
time_t  stoptime 

Get a detailed directory listing.

Gets a detailed directory listing from a Chirp server, and then calls the callback once for each element in the directory.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to access.
callbackThe function to be called for each element in the listing.
argAn optional convenience pointer that will be passed to the callback function.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_getdir ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
chirp_dir_t  callback,
void *  arg,
time_t  stoptime 

Get a simple directory listing.

Gets a simple directory listing from a Chirp server, and then calls the callback once for each element in the directory. This is a low-level function, you may find chirp_reli_opendir easier to use.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to access.
callbackThe function to be called for each element in the listing.
argAn optional convenience pointer that will be passed to the callback function.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
struct chirp_dir* chirp_reli_opendir ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
time_t  stoptime 

Open a directory for listing.

This function returns a pointer to an opened directory. You may then call chirp_reli_readdir to read directory elements one by one.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to access.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns a pointer to an opaque chirp_dir object. On failure, returns null.
See Also
chirp_reli_opendir chirp_reli_readdir, chirp_reli_closedir

Referenced by chirp.Client::ls().

struct chirp_dirent* chirp_reli_readdir ( struct chirp_dir *  dir)

Read one item from a directory.

Accepts a pointer to a directory opened by chirp_reli_opendir and returns the next chirp_dirent object, which describes the name and properties of the next item in the list. Returns null when the list is complete. Note that this function has no timeout because it operates solely on memory structures.

dirA pointer to a directory returned from chirp_reli_opendir.
On success, returns a pointer to a chirp_dirent object. Returns null when the list is complete.
See Also
chirp_reli_opendir chirp_reli_readdir, chirp_reli_closedir

Referenced by chirp.Client::ls().

void chirp_reli_closedir ( struct chirp_dir *  dir)

Close a directory.

This function releases the chirp_dir object returned by chirp_reli_opendir. It should be called after chirp_reli_readdir returns null to indicate the end of the directory. Note that this function has no timeoutbecause it operates solely on memory structures.

dirA pointer to a directory returned from chirp_reli_opendir.
See Also
chirp_reli_opendir chirp_reli_readdir, chirp_reli_closedir
INT64_T chirp_reli_getacl ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
chirp_dir_t  callback,
void *  arg,
time_t  stoptime 

Get an access control list.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to access.
callbackA function to call for each entry of the ACL.
argAn additional argument to pass to the callback.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_setacl ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  subject,
const char *  rights,
time_t  stoptime 

Modify an access control list.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to access.
subjectThe name of the subject to modify, such as "".
rightsA string giving the new rights for the subject, such as "rwlda" or "." to indicate no rights.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.

Referenced by chirp.Client::setacl().

INT64_T chirp_reli_resetacl ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  rights,
time_t  stoptime 

Reset an access control list.

This call will remove all entries from the access control list and grant to the calling user only those rights stated here.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to access.
rightsA string giving the new rights for the subject, such as "rwlda".
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_locate ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
chirp_loc_t  callback,
void *  arg,
time_t  stoptime 

Identify the true location of a path.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to locate.
callbackA function to call for each location of the file.
argAn additional argument to pass to the callback.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_whoami ( const char *  host,
char *  subject,
INT64_T  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Return the caller's identity.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
subjectThe buffer to fill with the caller's identity.
lengthThe length of the buffer in bytes.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_whoareyou ( const char *  host,
const char *  rhost,
char *  subject,
INT64_T  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Return the server's identity against another server.

This causes the server to call another Chirp server and invoke chirp_reli_whoami.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
rhostThe name and port of the other server to connect to.
subjectThe buffer to fill with the server's identity.
lengthThe length of the buffer in bytes.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_unlink ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
time_t  stoptime 

Delete a file.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to delete.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_rename ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  newpath,
time_t  stoptime 

Rename a file or directory.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe current pathname of the file.
newpathThe new pathname of the file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_link ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  newpath,
time_t  stoptime 

Create a hard link.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of an existing file.
newpathThe name of the link to create.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_symlink ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  newpath,
time_t  stoptime 

Create a symbolic link.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe existing path to link to.
newpathThe name of the new link to create.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_readlink ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
char *  buf,
INT64_T  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Examine a symbolic link.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the link to read.
bufThe buffer in which to place the link contents.
lengthThe length of the buffer in bytes.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_mkdir ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  mode,
time_t  stoptime 

Create a new directory.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to create.
modeThe unix mode bits of the new directory, typically 0700.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_mkdir_recursive ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  mode,
time_t  stoptime 

Create a new directory recursively.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to create.
modeThe unix mode bits of the new directory, typically 0700.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.

Referenced by chirp.Client::mkdir().

INT64_T chirp_reli_rmdir ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
time_t  stoptime 

Delete a directory if it is empty.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to delete.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_rmall ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
time_t  stoptime 

Delete a directory recursively.

Deletes a directory recursively, even if it is not empty. The recursion is performed on the file server, so this call is efficient to perform over the network.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to delete.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno. @

Referenced by chirp.Client::rm().

INT64_T chirp_reli_stat ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
struct chirp_stat info,
time_t  stoptime 

Get file status.

If called on a symbolic link, chirp_reli_stat will follow that link and obtain the status of the underlying file.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
infoA pointer to a chirp_stat structure to fill.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_lstat ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
struct chirp_stat info,
time_t  stoptime 

Get file or link status.

If called on a symbolic link, chirp_reli_lstat will return the status of the link itself.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
infoA pointer to a chirp_stat structure to fill.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
See Also
chirp_reli_lstat, chirp_reli_fstat, chirp_reli_statfs
INT64_T chirp_reli_statfs ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
struct chirp_statfs info,
time_t  stoptime 

Get filesystem status.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
infoA pointer to a chirp_statfs structure to fill.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_access ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  flags,
time_t  stoptime 

Check access permissions.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
flagsAccess permission to check:
  • R_OK - Check for read permission.
  • W_OK - Check for write permission.
  • X_OK - Check for execute permission.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
If access will be granted, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_chmod ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  mode,
time_t  stoptime 

Change mode bits.

The mode bits may set group/other permissions. If the file is a not a directory, the mode bits may also set user execute. See chirp_reli_setacl for alternate strong authorization control.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
modeThe new mode bits, typically 0700 for an executable or 0600 for a data file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
See Also
chirp_reli_fchmod, chirp_reli_setacl

Referenced by chirp.Client::chmod().

INT64_T chirp_reli_chown ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  uid,
INT64_T  gid,
time_t  stoptime 

Change the ownership of a file.

Note that the current Chirp file server does not make use of the Unix owner field, see chirp_reli_setacl instead.
hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
uidThe new user ID.
gidThe new group ID.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_fchown, chirp_reli_setacl, chirp_reli_getacl
INT64_T chirp_reli_lchown ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  uid,
INT64_T  gid,
time_t  stoptime 

Change the ownership of a file or link.

Note that the current Chirp file server does not make use of the Unix owner field, see chirp_reli_setacl instead.
hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
uidThe new user ID.
gidThe new group ID.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
chirp_reli_fchown, chirp_reli_setacl, chirp_reli_getacl
INT64_T chirp_reli_truncate ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Truncate a file.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
lengthThe new length of the file.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_utime ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
time_t  actime,
time_t  modtime,
time_t  stoptime 

Change the modification times of a file.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
actimeThe new access time.
modtimeThe new modification time.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_hash ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  algorithm,
unsigned char  digest[CHIRP_DIGEST_MAX],
time_t  stoptime 

Checksum a remote file.

A hash checksum is performed remotely by the file server, so it is much more efficient than pulling data and computing the hash locally. Note that the data is returned in binary digest form.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
algorithmThe type of hash function to use (e.g. "md5" or "sha1").
digestThe buffer to place the binary checksum digest.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns actual size of the digest. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_md5 ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
unsigned char  digest[CHIRP_DIGEST_MAX],
time_t  stoptime 

Checksum a remote file.

(DEPRECATED: use chirp_reli_hash) This MD5 checksum is performed remotely by the file server, so it is much more efficient than computing one by invoking a local command. Note that the data is returned in binary digest form. Use md5_string to convert the digest into a human readable form.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
digestThe buffer to place the binary checksum digest.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns length of digest. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_setrep ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
int  nreps,
time_t  stoptime 

Set replication factor.

Sets the number of replicas desired for the indicated file or for all newly created files. This only has an effect if the server backend supports replication, currently only with HDFS.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to modify. If the pathname is "@@@", then this call sets the replication factor for all files created by this process.
nrepsThe number of replicas desired. Zero indicates the server should use the default replication value.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_remote_debug ( const char *  host,
const char *  flag,
time_t  stoptime 

Set the debug options on the remote server.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
flagA debug flag to set on the server. Pass NULL to not change. Pass "clear" to clear.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_localpath ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
char *  localpath,
int  length,
time_t  stoptime 

Return the local path of a file.

This function allows the caller to find out the local path where a file is stored, which is useful if you intend to execute a program on the host by some other means to access the file. Note that the local path will only be accessible if the directory ACL has been readable to the user system:localuser using chirp_reli_setacl.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
localpathA buffer into which the local path will be stored.
lengthThe length of the buffer in bytes.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_audit ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
struct chirp_audit **  list,
time_t  stoptime 

Measure remote space consumption.

This routine causes the server to internally measure the space consumed by each user of the system. This could be a very long running function call. It then allocates a list of chirp_audit structures describing the current space usage. The caller is responsible for free()ing the list when done.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
listA pointer to an uninitialized struct chirp_audit *list.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_thirdput ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
const char *  thirdhost,
const char *  thirdpath,
time_t  stoptime 

Third party transfer.

Directs the server to transfer a file or directory to another (third-party) server. If a directory is mentioned, the transfer will be performed recursively, and will preserve the access controls present in the source directory.

hostThe name and port of the source Chirp server.
pathThe pathname of the source file or directory to transfer.
thirdhostThe name and port of the target Chirp server.
thirdpathThe pathname of the target file or directory.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
INT64_T chirp_reli_mkalloc ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
INT64_T  size,
INT64_T  mode,
time_t  stoptime 

Create a space allocation.

Creates a new directory with a firm guarantee that the user will be able to store a specific amount of data there.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the directory to create.
sizeThe size in bytes of the allocation.
modeThe unix mode bits of the new directory, typically 0700.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_lsalloc ( const char *  host,
const char *  path,
char *  allocpath,
INT64_T *  total,
INT64_T *  inuse,
time_t  stoptime 

List a space allocation.

hostThe name and port of the Chirp server to access.
pathThe pathname of the file to access.
allocpathA buffer that will be filled with the root path of the containing allocation.
totalA pointer to an INT64_T that will be filled with the total size of the allocation.
inuseA pointer to an INT64_T that will be filled with the bytes actually used in the allocation.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
On success, returns greater than or equal to zero. On failure, returns less than zero and sets errno.
See Also
INT64_T chirp_reli_bulkio ( struct chirp_bulkio list,
int  count,
time_t  stoptime 

Perform multiple I/O operations in bulk.

This operation will perform multiple I/O operations by pipelining the requests and the results. It is the most efficient way to perform multiple reads and writes simultaneously, whether against one or many files.

listAn array of chirp_bulkio structures, each describing one I/O operation.
countThe number of entries in the list.
stoptimeThe absolute time at which to abort.
If all operations in the array succeed, this function will return greater than or equal to zero. If one or more operations fail, this function will return less than zero. The result of each individual operation may be determined by examining the result and errnum fields set in each chirp_bulkio structure.
INT64_T chirp_reli_blocksize_get ( )

Return the current buffer block size.

This module performs input and output buffering to improve the performance of small I/O operations. Operations larger than the buffer size are sent directly over the network, while those smaller are aggregated together. This function returns the current buffer size.

The current file buffer size.
void chirp_reli_blocksize_set ( INT64_T  bs)

Set the buffer block size.

This module performs input and output buffering to improve the performance of small I/O operations. Operations larger than the buffer size are sent directly over the network, while those smaller are aggregated together. This function sets the current buffer size.

bsThe new buffer block size.
void chirp_reli_cleanup_before_fork ( )

Prepare to fork in a parallel program.

The Chirp library is not thread-safe, but it can be used in a program that exploits parallelism by calling fork(). Before calling fork, this function must be invoked to clean up shared state such as TCP connections. After forking, each process will maintain its own connection to each Chirp server.

void chirp_reli_disconnect ( const char *  host)

Closes the link to the host, if active.

hostA hostname may be a domain name or an IP address, followed by an optional colon and port number.

Referenced by chirp.Client::__init__().