address.h | |
 assert.h | |
 auth.h | |
 auth_address.h | |
 auth_all.h | Global authentication controls |
 auth_globus.h | |
 auth_hostname.h | |
 auth_kerberos.h | |
 auth_ticket.h | |
 auth_unix.h | |
 b64.h | Base64 Encoding Operations |
 batch_file.h | |
 batch_job.h | Batch job submission |
 batch_job_internal.h | |
 batch_task.h | |
 batch_wrapper.h | |
 bitmap.h | |
 buffer.h | String Buffer Operations |
 catalog_query.h | Query the global catalog server for server descriptions |
 catch.h | |
 category.h | Implements bookkeeping for categories of tasks and their resources |
 category_internal.h | |
 cctools.h | Common CCTools functions for version and common output management |
 cctools_endian.h | Byte order conversions |
 change_process_title.h | Change the title of a process in ps and top |
 chirp_client.h | |
 chirp_matrix.h | Stores very large distributed matrices |
 chirp_protocol.h | This file defines the binary values mandated by the Chirp Protocol specification, used by both the client and server implementations of the protocol |
 chirp_recursive.h | A high level interface to put and get large directories trees to and from Chirp servers |
 chirp_reli.h | The primary user API for accessing Chirp servers |
 chirp_stream.h | Streaming I/O interface |
 chirp_types.h | All of the structure and type definitions used by the Chirp API |
 chunk.h | |
 clean_dir.h | |
 compat-at.h | At syscall compatibility layer |
 console_login.h | Read a name and password from the console |
 copy_stream.h | |
 copy_tree.h | |
 create_dir.h | Create a new directory recursively |
 daemon.h | |
 datagram.h | UDP datagram communications |
 debug.h | General purpose debugging routines |
 disk_alloc.h | |
 display_size.h | Display file sizes in human readable format i.e |
 domain_name.h | Look up domain names and addresses directly |
 domain_name_cache.h | Look up domain names and addresses quickly |
 dpopen.h | Double Pipe process invocation |
 elfheader.h | |
 envtools.h | |
 fast_popen.h | Fast process invocation |
 fd.h | |
 file_cache.h | |
 full_io.h | Perform complete I/O operations, retrying through failures and signals |
 get_canonical_path.h | |
 get_line.h | |
 getopt.h | |
 getopt_aux.h | |
 getopt_int.h | |
 gpu_info.h | Query gpu properties |
 hash_cache.h | |
 hash_table.h | A general purpose hash table |
 hdfs_library.h | |
 histogram.h | Keep counts of doubles that fall in some given bucket size |
 hmac.h | Routines for computing Hash-based Message Authentication Codes |
 host_disk_info.h | Query disk space properties |
 host_memory_info.h | Get current memory status |
 http_query.h | |
 int_sizes.h | |
 interfaces_address.h | |
 itable.h | An integer-indexed hash table |
 jx.h | JSON Expressions (JX) library |
 jx_binary.h | Binary format encode/decode for JX expressions |
 jx_canonicalize.h | Print a JX structure in canonical form |
 jx_eval.h | Implements evaluation of JX expressions |
 jx_export.h | |
 jx_function.h | |
 jx_getopt.h | Pull command line args from a JSON document |
 jx_match.h | Unwrap JX types |
 jx_parse.h | Parse JSON strings and files into JX expressions |
 jx_pretty_print.h | |
 jx_print.h | Print JX expressions to strings, files, and buffers |
 jx_sub.h | Implements context substitution of JX expressions |
 jx_table.h | |
 link.h | A high level TCP connection library |
 link_auth.h | |
 list.h | Robust, reentrant linked list structure |
 load_average.h | Get the current load and number of CPUs |
 macros.h | |
 md5.h | Routines for computing MD5 checksums |
 memfdexe.h | |
 mesos_task.h | |
 mkdir_recursive.h | Create a new directory recursively |
 mq.h | Non-blocking message-oriented queue for network communication |
 nvpair.h | This module is deprecated, please use jx.h for new code |
 nvpair_jx.h | |
 nvpair_private.h | |
 password_cache.h | |
 path.h | |
 path_disk_size_info.h | Query disk space on the given directory |
 pattern.h | Pattern Matching Facilities |
 ppoll_compat.h | |
 preadwrite.h | |
 process.h | Provides a higher level interface to finding information about complete processes |
 random.h | A PRNG library |
 rmonitor.h | |
 rmonitor_poll.h | |
 rmonitor_poll_internal.h | |
 rmonitor_types.h | |
 rmsummary.h | |
 s3_file_io.h | |
 semaphore.h | |
 set.h | A set data structure |
 sh_popen.h | Non Terminal-Stealing popen implementation |
 sha1.h | Routines for computing SHA1 checksums |
 shell.h | |
 sigdef.h | |
 sleeptools.h | Sleep for a specified amount of time |
 sort_dir.h | Obtain a sorted directory listing |
 stats.h | |
 string_array.h | Single Memory Block String Array |
 string_set.h | A string_set data structure |
 stringtools.h | |
 text_array.h | A two dimensional array of strings |
 text_list.h | |
 timer.h | Simple timer library |
 timestamp.h | Portable routines for high resolution timing |
 tlq_config.h | |
 trash.h | |
 twister.h | |
 unlink_recursive.h | Unlink recursively |
 uptime.h | |
 url_encode.h | Routines for encoding strings according to RFC-2396 |
 username.h | Obtain information about the current user |
 uuid.h | |
 work_queue.h | A manager-worker library |
 work_queue_catalog.h | |
 work_queue_gpus.h | |
 work_queue_internal.h | |
 work_queue_json.h | A manager-worker library |
 work_queue_process.h | |
 work_queue_protocol.h | This file describes a handful of constants that are necessary for a common implementation of the work queue protocol between the manager, worker, and catalog, but should not be visible to the WQ user API |
 work_queue_resources.h | |
 work_queue_watcher.h | |
 xxmalloc.h | Brittle memory allocation routines |