Chirp | |
Client | Python Client object |
chirp | |
Client | |
Stat | Python Stat object |
AuthenticationFailure | |
GeneralFailure | |
TransferFailure | |
ChirpJobError | |
ChirpPython | Python Chirp bindings |
resource_monitor | Python resource_monitor bindings |
ResourceExhaustion | Exception raised when a function goes over the resources limits |
ResourceInternalError | |
Categories | Class to encapsule all the categories in a workflow |
Category | |
work_queue | |
Task | Python Task object |
PythonTask | Python PythonTask object |
PythonTaskNoResult | |
WorkQueue | Python Work Queue object |
Factory | Launch a Work Queue factory |
WorkQueuePython | Python Work Queue bindings |
_getopt_data | |
batch_file | |
batch_job_info | Describes a batch job when it has completed |
batch_queue | |
batch_queue_module | |
batch_task | |
buffer | |
category | |
cctools_uuid_t | |
chirp_audit | Descibes the space consumed by a single user on a Chirp server |
chirp_bulkio | Describes a bulk I/O operation |
chirp_dirent | Describes a directory entry returned by chirp_reli_readdir |
chirp_searchent | Describes a result from a search operation |
chirp_searchstream | Keeps track of the state of a search stream |
chirp_stat | Describes the properties of a file, much like the Unix stat structure |
chirp_statfs | Describes the properties of a file system, much like the Unix statfs structure |
hdfs_library | |
hdfsFileInfo | |
jx | JX value representing any expression type |
jx_comprehension | |
jx_item | JX item linked-list used by JX_ARRAY and jx::items |
jx_operator | |
jx_pair | JX key-value pairs used by JX_OBJECT and jx::pairs |
jx_table | |
link_info | Activity structure passed to link_poll |
md5_context_t | |
mesos_task | |
nvpair | |
option | |
password_cache | |
path_disk_size_info | |
process_info | Describes a completed process |
rmonitor_bw_info | |
rmonitor_cpu_time_info | |
rmonitor_ctxsw_info | |
rmonitor_file_info | |
rmonitor_filesys_info | |
rmonitor_io_info | |
rmonitor_load_info | |
rmonitor_mem_info | |
rmonitor_process_info | |
rmonitor_wdir_info | |
rmsummary | |
sha1_context_t | |
work_queue_file | |
work_queue_process | |
work_queue_resource | |
work_queue_resources | |
work_queue_stats | Statistics describing a work queue |
work_queue_task | A task description |