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The Wavefront Abstraction

Wavefront( array R[x,0], array R[0,y], function F(x,y,d) )
returns matrix R where
R[i,j] = F( R[i-1,j], R[i,j-1], R[i-1,j-1] )
The Wavefront abstraction computes a two dimensional recurrence relation. You provide a function F that accepts the left (x), right (y), and diagonal (d) values and initial values for the edges of the matrix. You may optionally provide additional parameters for each cell, given by a matrix P. The abstraction then runs each of the functions in the order of dependency, handling load balancing, data movement, fault tolerance, and so on.

For More Information

  • Wavefront User's Manual
  • Download Wavefront
  • Getting Help with Wavefront
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